Minorca Mount, Denholme, Bradford. West Yorkshire BD13 4AY

01274 832123

Denholme Primary School

Happy Learners High Achievers


Our vision for our pupils is that whilst they are here and when they leave us they are:


Happy Learners and High Achievers


By this we mean that we want our children to be confident in their ability to learn and as a consequence be the best that they can; academically and socially. To do this we underpin our work in school with a nurturing ethos and the 4Rs.

 We value our school’s location and community and aim to equip our children with the knowledge and experiences to feel comfortable as articulate citizens of Bradford and the wider world. We believe part of our work is to expose children to the opportunities available to them and encourage them to make the most of these, whatever their race, gender, religion or belief, disability or sexual orientation.



Our Values



We listen actively. We are ready to learn.



We are confident. We know that it is ok to make mistakes. Be curious! Be creative! Try our best and don’t give up.



We think about what we have done and how we can improve it.



We respect everyone in our school community and environment. So we are polite, we use kind words and hands and do as we are asked. Our body language shows we care.