Minorca Mount, Denholme, Bradford. West Yorkshire BD13 4AY

01274 832123

Denholme Primary School

Happy Learners High Achievers

      Welcome to Sycamore Class - Year 1 


Summer 2

Class Teacher- Miss Bull

Teaching Assistant- Mrs Clark

Support Staff- Miss Thewlis

Hello and welcome to Sycamore class. Below an overview of what the children will be learning and experiencing during this half term.  We will be adding important dates and information as we go so please keep checking in! 


Important information/dates


Home Learning

  • Spellings - given out on Friday and tested on the following Wednesday
  • Homework - given out on Fridays to be handed in/completed by the following Wednesday
  • Library/sharing book - changed on Thursday
  • Individual reading books- changed on a Friday

Please encourage your child to read every day - this doesn't have to be the whole book, just a few pages each day.  You will have your reading book for a week - please read it more than once for confidence and fluency.  Please make a note of when your child reads in their reading journal.  



Some of our learning so far in Year 1...


We teach phonics and early reading using the 'Little Wandle' phonics scheme.  A phonics parents information evening was held in November 2022 but if you need any further information please look at the slides below or visit the Little Wandle parents webpage at: 


To read the letter about the new phonics scheme and supporting your child at home, please click the link below:

Parent Letter - Little Wandle

Little Wandle:

Information about ‘schwa’

For phonemes making the 'uh' sound

Schwa is the name for the most common sound in English. It is the unstressed sound that we find in many words; it makes an ‘uh’ sound, which varies according to accent. The phonemic symbol for the schwa sound is ə. Schwa can be represented in writing by all five vowels, and by a number of digraphs and trigraphs such as ‘er’, ‘ou’, ‘or’ and ‘our’.

Our Curriculum this Half Term:

Theme: How does your garden grow?

Maths: Multiplication and Division 

English: Focus books- Sue Hendra's Books

Science: Plants 

Computing: Coding 

Geography: Fieldwork, weather patterns 

PSHE: Changing ME

Music: Having Fun With Improvisation

Visits and visitors: N/A




Our PE day is Tuesday. The children will need to come to school in their PE kit.  This half term we will be developing our movement skills for games.